One month ago I released a series of still life prints I have been working on for the past 5 months. The celebration was silent but grand, publishing something you've been working on under the radar is liberating. I was the only eyes to see this collection for so long that suddenly the idea that it is open to the eyes of the world feels such a relief.

This collection was never meant to be a collection. Although it is standing proudly and beautifully as a unit of 5 pieces, each art piece was creating at a different time and with different inspiration in mind. It was only later on when I decided to curate all of them together into one united collection.
It started as an exploration and from a genuine desire to create. After several years in the industry where I played the role of an art director and set designer, the pandemic has arrived and with it a lot of Insecurity. I had just begun my freelance journey and suddenly art was a form of survival. I needed to remind myself of the magic of why I started creating in the first place and this exploration and improvisation helped me do that.

It started by observing my house, my room, and my kitchen, I looked at the objects I gathered over the years from different productions and even “regular” items that were standing at their “natural” place. Then I picked the ones that I saw potential in. I put them in front of me in my living room and started playing with them, placing them in different compositions.
I found that this method of not having a final goal for the result is very liberating and freeing, it gave a room for creativity, and it gave my mind a calm feeling of being in the present moment, experiencing the objects with my hands, there was never an expectation to arrive a specific goal so there was never one right answer - the freedom was great and my intuition began to bloom again.

Freedom and creativity are requiring the same mentality, you can’t get creative if you don’t set yourself a free - limitless mind and space. When I create I don’t think rationally but let my intuition flow through me, I empty my mind, take a deep breath, and let my hands speak for me - when there is freedom there is no right or wrong - just expression of our purest self - a reflection of our inner truth.
This is how one by one all the art pieces were created, but only when I curated them all into one form, I suddenly realize that there is a profound message behind it. When I looked deep into the story this collection is trying to tell, it sent me back to look within myself, and like a mirror for the truth, I found myself finding my own “why”. While exploring my own creation I found myself.

I realized that what drives me the most these days is the feelings of belonging, being seen, and self-expression, and along with all of them - Identity, and what is it Identity anyway? we can tell ourselves that we are one thing because this is what we got used to, but once we have the chance to place ourselves in a different “stage” our identity shifts into another character. And just like the objects in the art pieces, that are no longer playing the role that they’ve given, a toothpick that is no longer playing the role of cleaning a tooth suddenly becomes the leading dancer in an art piece, a rising star. I feel like the pieces are my way of saying to the world - this is our time to shine, to speak up, to show our true selves, this is our time to unite together to be stronger together, to be empathic for each other, to see one another for what we truly are, this is our time to stand on the stage and shine bright.

I look at the objects around my house differently now, because I know all the potential they are holding. This project helped me gain back my gratitude toward the little things in life and the surprises that are hidden literally everywhere, all we need to do is to open up, be more playful and let our creativity be a form of meditation, where our intuition is woven in the now moment and we flow with life seamlessly and naturally.
Cheers to more epiphanies and insights, and to a calm, creative life. Sapir